This exhibition is an eclectic match of sculpture and paintings. The sculptures are mostly simplistic metaphors, presented through raw and rustic mediums. There is a primitive quality to these works of art and influences are drawn from various third world cultures. A distillation of influences into a personal process of integration is the driver for these artworks.

The Paintings are acrylic and /or oils and cover a variety of themes from relationship to still life subject matter. The style incorporates a naivety and childlike feel, although the subject matter is far deeper. Vibrancy is a good descriptor here as the common element consistently across the exhibition is a high key palette.
There is a strong juxtaposition between the intensity of the paintings and the rustic character of the sculptures.
Rob has been working in the field of art education for 35 years and has been a practising artist for 20 years.
Exhibition Dates: 5th – 11th July 2018