You are warmly invited to this rare and one-off opportunity of acquiring works by leading Australian artists on sale from the private collection of emmenent art curator, Christina McGuinness.

A Fund Raising exhibition in support of *Origins Centre, Balingup.
“STORIES” – an exhibition of Paintings, prints, sculptures, ceramics and textiles collected from throughout Australia for over thirty years.
Only on for 3 days!
Opens: 6.30pm on Fri 11 May
Dates: Sat 12 May & Sun 13 May (11 – 5)
by Michelle Broun, Curator New Museum Project, WA Museum.
Michelle & Christina ‘In Conversation’ 3pm Sat 12 May (free).
This private collection spans over thirty years of interest and love of the first peoples culture and art of this country.. Christina has not only worked in Perth supporting Aboriginal arts/artists in organisations and institutions such as Department for the Arts (now Dept. of Culture & the Arts) and Craftwest (now FORM) but also worked in commercial galleries specialising in Aboriginal art including Dreamtime Gallery and Randall Lane Fine Art.
Over the years she has visited and worked with WA communities Marribank, Warburton, Warakurna, and Waringarri Arts in Kununurra. And interstate to communities that include Papunya, Kintore, Ramingining/Arnhem Land in NT. And also Lockhart River, Weipa and Hope Vale in FNQ where she did marketing work with Hope Vale Arts and met her dear friend, artist Roy McIvor.
Now is the time Christina wants to share most of her collection while supporting a community that is also very close to her heart and personal well-being. *Origins Centre, Balingup will be gifted the entire net proceeds of the sale in support of their Archival & Restoration Program.
Artists include: Paddy Carlton, Shirley Purdie, Lily Karedada, Peter Skipper. Pantjiti Mary McLean, Paddy Fordham Wainburranga, Nancy Petyarre, Anmanari Brown, Charlie Djurdjin, Carol Golding, Edgar Pike, Jane Alimankinni, Nyarrapyi Giles and Roy McIvor.